New years..
Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
New years is coming up and I hope everyone is prepared for the year of 2013.
Let's make 2013 our best year!
Don't take on to much promises and those promises you do to your-selfs do them with your body and soul and don't give up in 2 weeks only because it's hard. Push your-selfs to the end of the pain and I'll promise you that you will see results. Doesn't matter if it's about working out or stop smoking or whatever! In time things get easier..

I don't have New years resolutions. I believe everyday is a new opportunity to change things. Change the way you act against other people, change your body. But I know that for people it's easy to take a new year as a new chance and easy to count down from New years! ;P
Yesterday my sister and her Little cute dog (Bimfen) came to town, the just surprised us and I'm sooo glad that they did! I wanted her boyfriend Jalle to come to... but he had to work. But I'm so glad to see my sister, it's not often we got the chance to met and just to have her close and see her laugh is the best New years gift ever!

I'm gonna try to put up some videos on a workout me and sis gonna do this upcoming week! So look forward to that folks..
Now I need to plan my clothing and stuff for the evening. I hope you all have a good new years!

BF out..