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Kategori: Life

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Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
" I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."
BF out...
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
Tonight I've been out on a club here in Umeå with my brother. My brother asked me to follow him out, so I did. And at first I didn't feel that It would be any fun. But I gave it a chance.. I drove, so It was a sober evening for me. Of course I can have a great time even if I'm sober!
Summary of the evening, we saw people (trying to) sing karaoke, my brother won some money. I met some good friends, and some new people to, and It were interesting how scared I'm of the dancefloor when i'm sober. Me and a friend found some money on the floor, about 100 euro. So sick, just before that we lost 100 kr on a Jack-Vegas machine! Amazing how things can happen. We danced some more and then we ate at Max! Gaah they have so amazing burgers there!
After that me and my brother witnessed some police-brutality on a Young guy on Max.. He had been "punching a guy" ..
So that's my evening in summary :P
Just wanna say good night and Tomorrow we gonna celebrate my sisters birthday! Happy birthday to her!! :)
"Accept what you cannot change..."
BF out..
Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
Now I'm lying here in my bed and preparing for a workout! It's no better way to prepare then this..
Music(high volume), pwo, and just singing along with the music!
Today I'm gonna workout my back/abs :) after that, I'm eating lunch at my mom's place! Because after that my sis, and my Stepfather going to play some football(soccer).
Been a while since I touched a football.. And I'm not doing any cardio these days so we'll see how that will go! And moving around 88 kg isn't the easiest either! ;) when I played last time I were 7 kg lighter ;P
Now I need to prep..
I hope you guys have a great day!
(From yesterday)
"My silence, is just another word for my pain..."
Peace and Love
BF out...
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life