Fitness with Bouba

Follow me on my journey to become the best fitness athlete possible!

Kämpa på för det du tror på..

Kategori: Life

Idag har jag jobbat nästan hela dagen och då har man tyvärr missa en massa fina soltimmar, som man tyvärr så sällan fått se på sistone.  Men inte är jag bitter för det.  Har tränat crossfitimorse och nu laddar jag för ett pass kl 20 , då jag tänkt köra slut på armarna! 
Jag ser så otroligt mycket fram emot att flytta nu!  Vill bara att allt ska vara klart.. man står där nere och ställt ner väskorna. Tagit sig en Cola zero och pustat ut... ! 
Ser även fram emot att få mitt kosttillskott och förhoppningsvis snart även Sponsor kläderna!  Blev lite fel med leverans/tryck m.m Så får skicka tillbaka de jag fått och sen får dom trycka klart dom innan jag får dom! 
Men har kört nästan hela denna veckan utan PWO och de känns riktigt bra ändå!  Men nu jäddrar börjar en ny vecka... och NYA mål!  '
Ne nu orkar jag inte vänta mer.. Iväg till IKSU och njut.. för inte många ggr till vi ses!  
Ha en fin kväll gott folk! 

Gästträning på Tenton

Kategori: Life

Folk brukar fråga mig hur jag håller min motivation uppe.. 
Mitt svar är : 
Det kan vara allt från en bra låt till att se någon annan vara ute och springa, läsa en tidning m.m . De är såhär med livet. ALLA människor uppfattar saker man är intresserad av.  Om jag säger såhär till er nu... Titta runtomkring er... leta efter något rött.... Sen blundar ni.....
Säg nu allt runt omkring er som är blått..     Svårt ?   Ja men de är såhär. De din hjärna tänker på , uppfattar den. Så jag som har som intresse träning.  Jag ser bara träning i allt jag göra i min vardag!   "åh där kan man göra chins..."  
De är inte alla som har samma motivation till träning, och de är okej!  Men då måste man bestämma sig vad man vill få ut av träningen?  Sätt ett huvudmål, sen delmål som man kan uppnå påvägen till huvudmålet. 
De finns otroligt många knep att hålla motivationen uppe, följa någon på Instagram,  lyssna på någon speciell musik, träna med någon annan som hjälper en att pusha igång en!  Ja de finns många sätt. Du måste själv hitta dessa sätt. 
Största misstaget jag tror många gör är att inte planera in träningen, kosten och sen handlar det om prioritering också.  Prioriterar man att ta några öl med massa kompis före att träna eller att stanna hemma och äta något hälsosamt? Ja då lär inte du nå dina mål!  Så enkelt är de! 
Idag har jag varit och gäst tränat med JohannesTenton.  Rebecca släppte in oss eftersom hon får bjuda några vänner på gratisträning. Riktigt snällt av henne!  
Det var axlar på dagens schema och shit vad bra de gick!  Har otroligt bra tryck i axlarna just nu när man ligger här hemma och ser Gladiatorerna.  Laddar redan nu för morgondagens pass!  
Ne nu ska jag göra lite matlådor så man är förberedd för morgondagen!  
Hoppas ni alla får en otroligt bra kväll och även en fin helg! 
Bouba out.. 

English becomes Swedish..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
This might be my last post in English for a while... 
I'm gonna be really busy real soon, so if I'm gonna write here, It's probably better if I type in Swedish. It's easier for me to not listen to spotify in the same time and spell everything right in swedish!  :P 
So take care and have a nice day guys!  
     (Tacos with Fredrik and Sandra , two really good friends) 
(Tacos with my old work.  Really great evening! ) 
BF ... out on laundry mission!  


Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Today I'm gonna eat a 3 course lunch that my sister and her class is making!   Have been looking forward to this for at least a week now!  
And also today I'm gonna workout for the first time in a week. Have had soooo much abstinence and of course I need to take it easy because of my injury! 
I'm gonna try to work out parts of my back and some locked bicep exercises, and after that I'll maybe try to be in the pool for some cardio!  
I hope you all will have a great day and remember to enjoy the little things in life! 
BF out... 


Kategori: Life

Hi guys!
I'm sorry that I've been so bad on update this blog! 
Have been preoccupied with a few things these last few days. 
Haven't told you, but I'm for the moment Injured, and I'm so clumsy... I can't explain it so you guys would understand. But I'm gonna try.. 
My workout was done and I was talking to my Brother meanwhile my friend Nils wanted to go.. So I'm talking and having my head one way, and my body was on it's way. At the time I turn around and turn my head the direction my body already is moving I walk/run in to a machine and it's parts that is sticking out.  And almost broke a rib.  
haha , it sucks, because it hurts so much,  but in the same time I just wanna laugh every time I think about it,  clumsy as never before!  haha.. 
I have sooo much abstinence now!  5 days without training. It sucks. But I'm gonna start small and try to workout tomorrow so I'm looking forward to tomorrow! 
It's times like these, you find more motivation, and I've been looking on a lot of technique training and I'm more inspired then before ( Yeah it's possible ;)   )  
Now I need to go..
Hope you all have a great day!
BF out... 

respect your-self..

Kategori: Life


Choose your friends..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Yesterday/tonight were the third night I had problem with insomnia.. :/ And  It doesn't seem to go away tonight either!  
It might be that my head is full of thoughts..   
I need to figure some things out.  And to take a few decisions that might be really hard to take at this time. Probably because , If I choose one way... My life will change really much and of course for the moment I fear the uncertain. Probably because I lived in a uncertain bubble for a "little" while now . 
We'll see what the mind decide after a conversation with my heart and soul!  
                           (Me to the left, and my brothers calves to the right) 
anyhow... Today I've worked out my back and of course all the new years resolutions were there today..  gaaah!  Crazy times at IKSU. That's why I need to sleep now so I could go up early and workout before work!  The workout went quite well tough all the people.  My biggest problem for the moment, and why I'm after in my workout schedule..  Is my eat-schedule. I can't eat as much as I want.. because of my bad economy for now.. And If it doesn't change I'm not gonna compete before the summer..  and then I'm gonna aim for the December Cup .  We'll see guys.. A lot of things happens in my life right now. 
I can't do anything else then to keep going and keep being positive and at least give my best in the gym and outside the gym I'll need to figure everything out soon so I could live my dreamlife as soon as possible!  
Now I need sleep!  
Goodnight folks..  Sleept tight! 
BF out. 


Kategori: Life

Hey guys! 
Today I woke up really tired. I also have problems to fall asleep 2 day's in a row.  Hopefully this is the night it all ends!  
I've worked out my chest and triceps today, and I can only say.. It's gonna be 2 horrible weeks at IKSU..  a lot of student's coming back from the vacation and also A LOT of New years resolutions .. :P  But hey, hopefully some of them doesn't end their promises after 2 weeks!  I hope I'll see many new faces this 2 weeks, and hopefully I could inspire at least 1-2 of them! :) 
I'm gonna try to fall asleep now, so I wish you guys a good evening/night! 
BF out.. 

Carpe the hell diem..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Today I'm gonna workout the legs for the first time in a week.. Have injured my groin on the football field and I hope it's gonna hold for this workout.  It's also Bicep time. Should have worked out this muscle group yesterday, but the lack of time made it not possible. 
I hope you all having a great Sunday and enjoying your life's.  
BF out... 

Decisions to make..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Today/Tonight, I've spent some time with my family.  My sister and her dog is leaving saturday morning and I'm gonna miss them soooo much! 
Makes me think about the move down south even more!  We'll see... :) 
Now I'm heading to bed to watch a movie and to get some sleep. Because tomorrows workout will be demanding! Looking forward to that! 
Here some picture's from today and from wednesday. 

" I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."



BF out... 

New years..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
New years is coming up and I hope everyone is prepared for the year of 2013. 
Let's make 2013 our best year! 
Don't take on to much promises and those promises you do to your-selfs do them with your body and soul and don't give up in 2 weeks only because it's hard. Push your-selfs to the end of the pain and I'll promise you that you will see results. Doesn't matter if it's about working out or stop smoking or whatever!  In time things get easier.. 
I don't have New years resolutions.  I believe everyday is a new opportunity to change things. Change the way you act against other people, change your body.  But I know that for people it's easy to take a new year as a new chance and easy to count down from New years! ;P  
Yesterday my sister and her Little cute dog (Bimfen)  came to town, the just surprised us and I'm sooo glad that they did!  I wanted her boyfriend Jalle to come to... but he had to work.  But I'm so glad to see my sister, it's not often we got the chance to met and just to have her close and see her laugh is the best New years gift ever!  
I'm gonna try to put up some videos on a workout me and sis gonna do this upcoming week!  So look forward to that folks.. 
Now I need to plan my clothing and stuff for the evening. I hope you all have a good new years!
BF out.. 

To gain my respect, you gotta earn it!

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Have been a few stressful days here in "Boubaville".  I'm been feeling a little bit ill and also tried to workout a little bit at the same time. I know you guys think I'm doing the wrong thing when I work out with a little cold in my body. But I'm not having any fever and I don't workout with high intensity.  And also, I know my body pretty well. I don't suggest that you try this until you really know your body and really have been working out for the most part of your life.  I'm not saying I'm some kind of master of this, but I'm pretty sure about what I'm doing!  I only wanted to point that out for those of you that is thinking that I'm doing something wrong. 
Been having a nice weekend, with all kinds of things.. Work, gym, hanging out with friends, and also hanging out with my family and celebrating my sisters 16th birthday!
My training is going alright, and next week I'm focusing  my training on my chest/tricep and leg area.
Let's see what kind of change I can manage to do there..!  
Still having problem with my weight. I'm pending between 86,5-88,5 kg ..  I don't like it.. wanna build more mass on my chest area and It's hard.  I know some of you guys is thinking that " what is this guys talking about.. we're having problem loosing weight! "   Yeah maybe it's easy for you, but I'm working out 1-2 times a day, and also my body and system is really good with burning away carbs so it's making it harder. And of course I don't wanna put on to much water or fat so eating candy and chips and stuff like that all the time isn't a option. 
So that will be a thing I need to work on this week.. 
enough said today.. I'm tired and gonna sleep now to recover, because tomorrow I'm gonna workout 2 times, and I'm looking forward to it sooooo damn much!  So if I sleep now, tomorrow will come earlier! 
Have a good night guys.. 
BF out.. 

An amazing evening..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!

Tonight I've been out on a club here in Umeå with my brother. My brother asked me to follow him out, so I did. And at first I didn't feel that It would be any fun. But I gave it a chance.. I drove, so It was a sober evening for me. Of course I can have a great time even if I'm sober!

Summary of the evening, we saw people (trying to) sing karaoke, my brother won some money. I met some good friends, and some new people to, and It were interesting how scared I'm of the dancefloor when i'm sober. Me and a friend found some money on the floor, about 100 euro. So sick, just before that we lost 100 kr on a Jack-Vegas machine! Amazing how things can happen. We danced some more and then we ate at Max! Gaah they have so amazing burgers there!
After that me and my brother witnessed some police-brutality on a Young guy on Max.. He had been "punching a guy" ..

So that's my evening in summary :P

Just wanna say good night and Tomorrow we gonna celebrate my sisters birthday! Happy birthday to her!! :)

"Accept what you cannot change..."

BF out..


It's time..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!

Now I'm lying here in my bed and preparing for a workout! It's no better way to prepare then this..
Music(high volume), pwo, and just singing along with the music!

Today I'm gonna workout my back/abs :) after that, I'm eating lunch at my mom's place! Because after that my sis, and my Stepfather going to play some football(soccer).
Been a while since I touched a football.. And I'm not doing any cardio these days so we'll see how that will go! And moving around 88 kg isn't the easiest either! ;) when I played last time I were 7 kg lighter ;P

Now I need to prep..

I hope you guys have a great day!

(From yesterday)


"My silence, is just another word for my pain..."


Peace and Love

BF out...


Merry Christmas!

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Yesterday I manage to workout after work and before IKSU closed.  I were stunned when I saw how much people spending the day before christmas at the gym!  Okey, it wasn't a mass... but maybe about 20-30 people.
Still, I'm glad they worked out and then I got so much more motivated after eating a big plate of Lasagna! ;)  
   (87,5 kg , need to put on more mass on chest & leg before I'm cutting down and starting up with cardio again) 
Today's christmas.. and I'm not gonna write so much more then I wish you all a Merry Christmas and I hope you eat a lot of good food, candy and other stuff!  And hopefully you can enjoy this holiday's with people close to you!  
I know I will! :)  
BF out... 

True Colors..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
When we start to doubt our-selfs, we need to remind us about why we matter, and also start looking around us, what kind of people we have around us. Is it people that give us something.. or just drain us of energy?  
Now a days a wonder about.. It's weird how our life's can change drastically in just a few hours.. days..months.. I know my life have changed a lot!  
Sometimes I just wish that I could go back in time and re-do everything.. 
I know that I just need to accept everything that HAVE been, and just make the best of the road I'm on right now. 
And I'm gonna do that... But first I need to let go of the past, it's hard ... It's just weird how things change..  
enough said about that.. 
I hope everyone have had a great Saturday evening and I wish you all a merry christmas!  
BF out... 

Soon christmas..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
I have been lousy on updating my blog this week. Sry guys!  
I'm gonna try to update you guys! 
I have trained a lot this week, and I feel sore in almost all parts of my body. And I love that feeling!  Then I know I have been pushing myself and my schedule is working!  I feel strong even if I'm exhausted and tired! 
Took a personal best in Dead lift today, 165 kg, 3 set x 5 reps!   That's awesome!  
2 days ago I worked out my legs and I'll say.. It was one of my best leg workouts ever!  
The same day I worked out my biceps, and that to were one of my best Bicep workout!  
Amazing feeling! 
The negative this week has been my eating schedule and my sleeping.  unfortunately  I've been sleeping really bad. tonight that is changing!  
I've also been working a lot this week and i'll continue to work a lot the rest of the weekend. I like to work a lot because then I plan my free time and my life have routines. Strange enough I manage to do more with my days with less free time!  
This last week I also have been hanging out with a few friends, and especially Sandra who is a  amazing friend. 
Yesterday we made dinner(she did 99% of everything)  and after that we both did some desert. 
And I tell you guys.. no mercy for the stomach there.. waaah.. 
Home made Ice-cream, and white chocolate fudge, and Turkish Peber fudge.. Naminami!! 
We were like to bolls after that in the sofa!  haha , awesome evening! 
Hope you follow me on Instagram and I'm a little better to update there. Hopefully I'm gonna put up a few videos after christmas!  
Now I need to get to bed , need to turn this sleeping problem around.  I hope you all have a great evening!  
BF out.. 

A new week ..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
This is the last week of my workout schedule , and I'm already looking forward to next week when I'm gonna go crossfit 2 times a week!  
Today I've worked out my chest. The workout didn't go to well.. Was to many people at IKSU this evening. 
Thursday I'm gonna try to take my PB on bench-press (140 kg)  , and today I killed it with 120 kg 4 reps, 110 kg 6 reps , and 100 kg 8 reps.   
Now I'm gonna make some Workout schedules to a bunch of people that have been waiting for me to finish with them. Sry guys!  
Have a great evening and keep motivating your-selfs to workout!  Soon it's Christmas and we all know what's gonna happen then ? ;P  eat a lot of garbage food and of course we should enjoy christmas. But you still have time to exercise and workout!  
BF out.. 

BE yourself.. don't be a jerk!

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!
Just wanna wish you all a great Friday and weekend! 
Remember guys..
"Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you.."
BF out... 

always be ready to change..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Today was one of my best workout's in a while!  Chest / bicep was on the table today!  
I still need to work on my upper chest area. But I'm proud of the workout today and I've tested 135 kg in bench today, nooo problem!   Did 8 reps on 110 kg!  That's development for me, and that's awesome!  I feel stronger and my body is recovering really fast right now!   Also I'm glad that my mom is getting back on track with her training after a while of being ill. Hope she stay whole/well! 
Tomorrow I'm going to workout 2 times in the gym.  First I'm gonna work my legs out.  Need to gain more mass to that area.. 
And the second workout will evolve my back and abs!  
Wanna crossfit tomorrow , but need to keep this schedule this week and next week to . After that I'm gonna put in 2-3 crossfit workouts a week!  It's gonna be sooo awesome!  
Now I need to get to bed and sleep so my body is recovered for tomorrow's training!  
Btw , tonight I went to a friends place to hang, and we did some food and to desert we made "kladdkaka"  "Brownies"  (might be the english word for that)   Ohhh my god, it just melted in my mouth!    And I also tried a new thing, ginger snap (pepparkaka) with blue cheese (ädelost)   , oh my god times x 2!!  How could anyone figured that out ?!?   Still .. it's a awesome combo!  you guys need to try it out!  
NOW I need to go to bed! I hope you guys also had a awesome evening!  
BF out..