Choose your friends..
Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
Yesterday/tonight were the third night I had problem with insomnia.. :/ And It doesn't seem to go away tonight either!

It might be that my head is full of thoughts..
I need to figure some things out. And to take a few decisions that might be really hard to take at this time. Probably because , If I choose one way... My life will change really much and of course for the moment I fear the uncertain. Probably because I lived in a uncertain bubble for a "little" while now .
We'll see what the mind decide after a conversation with my heart and soul!

(Me to the left, and my brothers calves to the right)
anyhow... Today I've worked out my back and of course all the new years resolutions were there today.. gaaah! Crazy times at IKSU. That's why I need to sleep now so I could go up early and workout before work! The workout went quite well tough all the people. My biggest problem for the moment, and why I'm after in my workout schedule.. Is my eat-schedule. I can't eat as much as I want.. because of my bad economy for now.. And If it doesn't change I'm not gonna compete before the summer.. and then I'm gonna aim for the December Cup . We'll see guys.. A lot of things happens in my life right now.
I can't do anything else then to keep going and keep being positive and at least give my best in the gym and outside the gym I'll need to figure everything out soon so I could live my dreamlife as soon as possible!
Now I need sleep!
Goodnight folks.. Sleept tight!
BF out.