To gain my respect, you gotta earn it!
Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
Have been a few stressful days here in "Boubaville". I'm been feeling a little bit ill and also tried to workout a little bit at the same time. I know you guys think I'm doing the wrong thing when I work out with a little cold in my body. But I'm not having any fever and I don't workout with high intensity. And also, I know my body pretty well. I don't suggest that you try this until you really know your body and really have been working out for the most part of your life. I'm not saying I'm some kind of master of this, but I'm pretty sure about what I'm doing! I only wanted to point that out for those of you that is thinking that I'm doing something wrong.

Been having a nice weekend, with all kinds of things.. Work, gym, hanging out with friends, and also hanging out with my family and celebrating my sisters 16th birthday!

My training is going alright, and next week I'm focusing my training on my chest/tricep and leg area.
Let's see what kind of change I can manage to do there..!

Still having problem with my weight. I'm pending between 86,5-88,5 kg .. I don't like it.. wanna build more mass on my chest area and It's hard. I know some of you guys is thinking that " what is this guys talking about.. we're having problem loosing weight! " Yeah maybe it's easy for you, but I'm working out 1-2 times a day, and also my body and system is really good with burning away carbs so it's making it harder. And of course I don't wanna put on to much water or fat so eating candy and chips and stuff like that all the time isn't a option.

So that will be a thing I need to work on this week..
enough said today.. I'm tired and gonna sleep now to recover, because tomorrow I'm gonna workout 2 times, and I'm looking forward to it sooooo damn much! So if I sleep now, tomorrow will come earlier!

Have a good night guys..
BF out..