A new week ..
Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
This is the last week of my workout schedule , and I'm already looking forward to next week when I'm gonna go crossfit 2 times a week!

Today I've worked out my chest. The workout didn't go to well.. Was to many people at IKSU this evening.
Thursday I'm gonna try to take my PB on bench-press (140 kg) , and today I killed it with 120 kg 4 reps, 110 kg 6 reps , and 100 kg 8 reps.

Now I'm gonna make some Workout schedules to a bunch of people that have been waiting for me to finish with them. Sry guys!

Have a great evening and keep motivating your-selfs to workout! Soon it's Christmas and we all know what's gonna happen then ? ;P eat a lot of garbage food and of course we should enjoy christmas. But you still have time to exercise and workout!
BF out..