Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
Yesterday were a really good day. It all started with some breakfast and coffee at the coffee-shop "Mekka" in the city. A friend from out of town met up and talked for a while. And as usual the time flies when you have a good conversation and a good time. I had to leave for a meeting at work. With that said I notice that I took 3 coffee's before lunch yesterday! haha , I had awesome energy when I came to IKSU for my workout around Lunch-time.

Yesterday I worked out Shoulders, and I don't have the time to post the workout right now. But I'll give you this..
It was one of my best shoulder workouts!
Can feel every exercise in the muscles today! Love it!
When the workout was done, I went to my mom's place to eat a lot of food! I don't know If I told you this, but now I'm trying to gain weight. I'm aiming for 90 kgs before 1 jan. And to keep that weight until last January! My weight right now is 86,5 kg. And I've been gaining 1-1,5 kg every week for the last 3-4 weeks.
It's not a ultimate "bulk" . I know that. But guys, you gotta know that I know my body pretty well , I've been testing it for about 10 years , and I know exactly how to change every part of it , and how It answers to "this and that" of course I don't say that couldn't learn more. Nobody is fully learned. But for now, and with the situation I'm in right now with work and everything, THIS is the best way to do it.. and I know that I don't wanna go for the longer bulk season. So right now I'm pushing my-self to keep the shape as good as possible. And also keep gaining strength all the time!
Enough said about that.. we'll get back to that topic later on..

After I've worked I went home to make my good friend Sandra a nice dinner.
She deserved to relax and of course we enjoyed a movie and some ice-cream with some berries also.
A awesome monday evening!
Now I'm going to the gym for my Back /triceps Workout.
I'll post the workout's here later tonight!
Have great day guys!
BF out...