Fitness with Bouba

Follow me on my journey to become the best fitness athlete possible!


Kategori: Life

Hi guys!  
Haven't forget to post about my workouts the last days.. here is the crossfit workout that I did Wednesday.
C&J  60 kg , 8 reps
Burpees  , 10 reps 
American KB swings 32 kg , 10 reps. 
Repeat  5 sets . 2-3 min rest between.  
Didn't clock this time,  but I will next time!  I'm gonna do this WOD 2 times, this week I'll get back with the times then! 
And thursday's workout looked something like this ... 
Back : 
Deadlift  110 kg  6 reps  x 3 sets 
Fatman pullup 30 kg (on legs, legs on bench)  Dropset,  10 reps, --> 10 kg 5 reps x 3 sets. 
Seated High Cable Row  -   75 kg  , 10 reps x 3 sets
Chins  -  22 reps, 18 reps,  15 reps. 
cable rear delt fly  - 25 kg (each arm)   dropset ,  10 reps , -->  20 kg 7 reps  x 3 sets . 
Did also do  3 bicep exercises..
Concentration curls  -  drop set,  20 kg , 10 reps -->  15 kg , 5 reps.  x 4 sets
Preacher curls ez bar  -  45 kg , 10 reps  x 3 sets. 
Cable machine curls  from side  -  30 kg (on each arm)   dropset,  12 reps --> 22,5 kg  10 reps  x 3 sets. 
It's not so great to do back and bicep in one session guys.   Why ?  Because when you workout your back and you do a lot of "pulling" , you use the bicep and the forearm a lot, so It's not so optimal to do bicep and back on the same day.  If you do...  do not do so many exercises or sets as I did..   I felt it when I've done crossfit the day before. And when I did the chin exercise.. I directly felt pressure in the forearm.. so had to stretch them a little bit between and it's not optimal guys.. so you know, this isn't my schedule.
 Felt like I needed to get ahead and pushed myself a little bit to far.. But I didn't hurt myself so that's good! :) You don't need to worry! 
Now I need to sleep, because tomorrow I'm gonna workout with my good friend Jocke , and after that we're going to eat lunch in the city before we watch Björklöven(Local hockey team, div 1 ) play.
So tomorrow's gonna be a good day!   
Though I most of all wanted to be in Gothenburg for the fitness exhibition!   Should have been so nice to meet a lot of people and just to be around people that think, breath and workout like me...   Next year .. then I'll be there!  Hope everyone that's goes to the exhibition will have a  great time!  
and to all the others , have a great weekend!

BF out and goodnight!  


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