Fitness with Bouba

Follow me on my journey to become the best fitness athlete possible!

Search for sponsor..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!
Sitting here in my small sofa and trying to watch a movie with some friends. 
Felt like a should post something today also. 
My plan the next month is to search for sponsor/sponsors for the coming year 2013. Where I'm gonna try to compete as much as possible!  For that I could need some sponsors and If you guys know anyone that would be able to help me or for that matter is interested to contact med for some sponsoring. I'm always grateful for anything guys!  
Because now when I'm coming back from this cold.. I'm gonna start my hard training for the top of Athletic Fitness!  
Need to get back to the movie now. Take care guys and have a great evening! 


  • K säger:

    GRYMT linne(?)! Vart hittar man det?! Känns som att det i present till min älskade pojkvän skulle ge mig några extra guldstjärnor i kanten! :)

    Lycka till i jakten på sponsorer, kommer säkert gå fint!

    Svar: Tackar! :) hehe tyvärr så finns de inte ute ännu, men kan eventuellt bli en framtida kollektion så håll ut! :) Man tackar, verkligen uppskattat! Ha en trevlig helg!
    Sebastian Bouba Fransson

    2012-11-09 | 13:43:49

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