You shape your own destiny!
Kategori: Life
warmup (sorry, the exercises stands in swedish and explained in internal language and Ask if you want it translated. For the moment, I don't have the time. )
Gå på bandet 5 min med vikter och lutning(4-5) ca 7,0 i hastighet.
- 3 x utfall med vikt på axlar/i handen 10 reps
- 3 x benpressmaskin sittande/liggande ? kg x 10 reps.
- 3 x Liggande bencurl (Baksida lår) ? kg x 10 reps.
- 3 x Squat med fast skivstång (den då du har benen framför och snett utåt)utan vikt ännu 10 reps.
- 3 x benspark(maskin)? kg 10 reps.
So this is how her leg workout's will be in 3-4 weeks. After that, We change it , because she will get stronger, and I want to challenge her!
Now I'll need to put on my "oat-bag" on my shoulder/chest. To warmup the muscle.
Hope you all have a great day and keep being honest to YOUR-SELFS. Because if you don't trust your-selfs, who could you ever trust ? Don't make that mistake over and over. Be the best version of your-selfs each and everyday!
BF out .