Fitness with Bouba

Follow me on my journey to become the best fitness athlete possible!

You shape your own destiny!

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Right now I'm watching the weather outside and it's finally snowing here in Umeå.  The snowfling's aren't that big so it might not stick.. But still.. It's soon december and for me it need to be snow before that!  
Today I'm gonna workout with my friend and "apprentice"  Lina! 


warmup (sorry, the exercises stands in swedish and explained in internal language  and Ask if you want it translated. For the moment, I don't have the time. ) 

Gå på bandet 5 min med vikter och lutning(4-5) ca 7,0 i hastighet.

  • 3 x utfall med vikt på axlar/i handen 10 reps 
  • 3 x benpressmaskin sittande/liggande ? kg x 10 reps.
  • 3 x Liggande bencurl (Baksida lår) ? kg x 10 reps. 
  • 3 x Squat med fast skivstång (den då du har benen framför och snett utåt)utan vikt ännu 10 reps. 
  • 3 x benspark(maskin)? kg 10 reps.



So this is how her leg workout's will be in 3-4 weeks. After that,  We change it , because she will get stronger, and I want to challenge her!  

Now I'll need to put on my "oat-bag"  on my shoulder/chest.   To warmup the muscle.




Hope you all have a great day and keep being honest to YOUR-SELFS. Because if you don't trust your-selfs, who could you ever trust ?  Don't make that mistake over and over. Be the best version of your-selfs each and everyday!  




BF out . 





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