A friend gives you total freedom to be yourself..
Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
Yesterday where a day with many ups and downs!
My workout were one of the ups! I did my chest workout and I feel soo nice and sore in the chest-area today, so that's all good! :)
In the evening, me and my good friend Nils ( Like a little brother to me) played some xbox and it was his turn to make me some food. And he did it with style! :P

(This picture is not for those with sensitive eyes)
The xbox (FIFA12) didn't go to well, but hey, we still had a great evening! So all thanks to Nisse for this evening! Looking forward to the next time , when I'm gonna make some extraordinary to beat Nils! ;)
Now i'm going to buy Ingredients to my protein pancakes that I'm gonna make for lunch! :)
Have a great day guys!