Don't loose it..
Kategori: Life
Laying in the bed wondering about my life situation. For the moment I feel fragmented about a few things, that make you question somethings.
Not gonna go into it here, but I'm gonna tell you guys that you need to keep going, look over you're life situations and if you don't like it.. Try at-least to fix it! For example.. If you don't like you're work situation, start you're new life trying something new.. search something new. Maybe start study something you always thinking about studying! Another example is that if you feel lost in the city you're in, maybe try to change environment. Take a leap of faith and move, what is the worst that could happen ? You'll get new friends, and maybe find love there. I think.. that if you give life a chance, life give you a chance back . You're paths isn't a straight way.. It's bumpy and curved ... so buckle up and enjoy! It's gonna be a roller coaster in both a positive way and also a negatively . But hey.. If we don't at least try, we'll never win anything!
Guys what I'm saying' is that you need to figure out your dreams and goals in life and just give them a shoot!
If you don't ... You always gonna look back and wonder why! Live life to the fullest, because you ain't gonna come out from it alive!

Enough said about life ... let's just say that yesterday was a quite good day/evening for me. Workout at IKSU , had lunch with a friend, worked for a few hours, Had coffee with a friend, did a second workout, then I saw a movie with another friend! Love to have friends around me that cares about me, support me and give me so much joy in life, and most of all.. make me get away from my everyday life!

We saw a movie called Lawless. Guys.. watch that movie! I love Tom hardy as a actor, and he made this movie! :)
It's a movie based on the true story about the 3 brothers Bondurant in the early 1900.. that is known as "Immortals" in the small city of Franklin outside of Chicago. Watch the trailer below and enjoy! :)
Now I'm going to IKSU for my first workout today.
Today I'm gonna work out my back , and after that I'm gonna row for a bite. So we'll see how I'm gonna feel for the second workout later on! :) Let's kill that back!!

Have great day and enjoy you're life guys, it's your's to choose what to do about it! :)