Fitness with Bouba

Follow me on my journey to become the best fitness athlete possible!

Face the truth...

Kategori: Life

Morning Guys!  
Ready for some morning workout ?  :)
Lets get dressed and then we'll go out and do some cardio this morning! 
I'm washing my clothes for the moment, so why not be efficient and run some high intense training at the same time?  
From one thing to another...  My head is a mess!  
Want so much with my future and of course i want it right now. But I've realized that everything needs to have its time and don't need to be right now . 
So I'm gonna take one day at the time and try to make the best of everyday and live to the fullest!  
And guys.. like i said in one earlier post. Don't be afraid of take a chance in things.  The worst that could happen is that you fail.. yeah, but it's better to try, then to never even tried!  NOTHING is impossible!  It's all in your head and mindset!  
If you want something soo much..  You find a way!  Otherwise you find a excuse. It's as  simple as that!
“Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable.”
Just done 20 min high intense running!   1 min run, 1 min walk, 1 min run... and so on!  
Now I need to get down to the  washing machine again, and after that I need to go to work!  
Today's also the Floor ball cup here in Umeå. Gonna go there for at least one game! 
Have a great day guys and hope you're cardio also went great! :) 


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