Life gave me a booty call...
Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
Yesterday I went to the gym for a shoulder/upper back workout. But felt a little bit sore in the Pectoralis Major (at the muscle attachment) I warmed up properly and did the workout. But soon after I felt sooo sore in the muscle attachment and in the evening it were worse. So this morning I've taken a painkiller and hopefully it's a small inflammation and nothing more.
You need to be careful when you workout a lot guys. Most common for this to happen is when your dieting or when your move up in weights to fast, or like in my case.. the rest between the muscle groups.
Gonna order some products that counteract the ligaments wear.. so hopefully they help me a little bit. But for now I'm gonna rest this muscle group and hopefully in a few days I'm able to keep up my training!

I've also got bigger legs!

Today's workout is leg!
I'm gonna workout with a friend and I'm glad that we finally got time to workout/met and that I finally have time to give her some help with her workout! So it's gonna be a great day despite the pain i feel in the chest..
(just got a lot of energy, from life) =)
Here is a tip of what you guys can do for dinner !

I don't measure everything..
the only thing I measured was this two Ingredients.... 10 eggs and 4 dl protein powder... :)
Have a great sunday guys!!