Fitness with Bouba

Follow me on my journey to become the best fitness athlete possible!

Eat, lift , fit, sleep , and repeat..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!
Today is a new day!  Like Joshua Radin song, " Brand new Day"  .. 
I'll hope you guys have had a great weekend and hopefully you're not to tired to at least take a walk outside and take you're friends/partner with you so all of you can enjoy a great sunday with some exercise! 
I have slept really great tonight, one of few days this week. So I feel like going out now for some running!  :) 
After that I'm gonna try to edit something with the future homepage! :) 
Hopefully I'll also will manage to do two workout schedules, for two great friends that needed it. 
That's all for now guys, just want give you a great quote before I go..
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
(Do not allow yourself to get hung up on things that have already happened, or for that matter..worry about about things that may happen. Concentrate on what your are shooting for right now and everything else will
take care of itself...) 
Have a great sunday guys!! 


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