Fitness with Bouba

Follow me on my journey to become the best fitness athlete possible!

I'm back! Let's get this blog started for real!

Kategori: Life

Hey guys!

First of i wanna say sorry if my english is a little bit rusty

With that said I'm gonna try too update this blog as often as possible. Also gonna try to get my videofyme account up, so when i'm to tired to write I'll get a video up so you be updated always! :)

Enough said. Lets get this blog on the roll!

For you guys who doesn't know me and wanna now something about me...

My name is Sebastian and I'm a trainoholic and fitness fanatic. Love everything that includes me working out, eating good food, motivate and inspire people to be more healthy in there life's . Hopefully these blog will get a lot of people motivated or inspired to start working out, or in some cases keep in working out.

I have a friend called Sidi how doesn't improve of my designs of these blog so I'm gonna try to put these blog into a homepage as soon as I've got time :)

Today I have a day off work so I've tried to workout some cardio in the morning , and later on i will go to the gym.

Today's cardio :

High-hill intense running! ran a hill five times up and down. 3 first times I had 1 kg weights around the feet's , 2 last i wast really tired but tried to put on some good music to trigger my bullheaded mind and just continued going!
I always got the best feeling in the world when i've reach a point when my brain, body and legs can't speak to each other.. you know what I mean ?

After that i rested for 5 min, then I started to run high intense on flat ground. 1 min run, 1 min walk, 1 min run, 1 min walk.. and so on.
For at least 15 min.

After i've done that, my body was so weak that I had problems getting home .. :) Love that feeling guys! Now i need to eat a lot of food to prep for the next workout who starts in 3-4 hours.

Then I'm gonna workout the chest! Gonna be a good day! :)

Hope you'll enjoy this blog and give me some comment's and feedback if you feel like it.

Thanks for today, feels good to be back! :)



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