Fitness with Bouba

Follow me on my journey to become the best fitness athlete possible!

Shoulders like Bane! :)

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Today was shoulders day!  Love the feeling now, a few hours after my shoulder workout!  The pump in trapezius  and Deltoideus is great when your effective in shoulder workout's!  :) 
Tomorrow I have a day off and then I will film a some exercises so I can put up the videos. Sry guys, I've had a lot of things on my plate so really sry that it have taken so long time.. 
Also bought some new product's today ..  4 kg Protein, a new PWO , and also a new BCAA!  :)  Gonna try them out tomorrow! :)  You can buy these products from the store----- >   Onemorerep !  :) 
What are you guys using ?  
Don't have so much time to write here for the moment . Gonna try to put together a workout schedule for a few friends, and plan my day tomorrow, also trying to order a few new things from the web. Intense life .. and I love it! :) 
Sleep tight and tomorrow will be a great day and also a workout day for me and hopefully also for you guys! 


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