Fitness with Bouba

Follow me on my journey to become the best fitness athlete possible!


Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Just came home from a workout with my good friend Lina (The apprentice) and on today's schedule was... of course LEGS!  
Awesome workout, and me and Lina both will have a enormous pain in the legs tomorrow! 
Yesterday my mom bought me some protein, pwo and omega 3.  And she also bought me the first coffee brewer!  
Love you mom!  The best mom! 
Now I'm in a rush.. need to eat and take my ass into town in this weather .. gaah.. 
Wish me good luck!  
Have a great day guys and I hope you all have a great evening!  
BF out.. 


Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Yesterday were a really good day.  It all started with some breakfast and coffee at the coffee-shop "Mekka"  in the city.  A friend from out of town met up and talked for a while.  And as usual the time flies when you have a good conversation and a good time.  I had to leave for a meeting at work. With that said I notice that I took 3 coffee's before lunch yesterday!   haha ,  I had awesome energy when I came to IKSU for my workout around Lunch-time. 
Yesterday I worked out Shoulders, and I don't have the time to post the workout right now. But I'll give you this.. 
It was one of my best shoulder workouts! 
Can feel every exercise in the muscles today!  Love it!  
When the workout was done, I went to my mom's place to eat a lot of food!  I don't know If I told you this, but now I'm trying to gain weight.  I'm aiming for 90 kgs before 1 jan.  And to keep that weight until last January!  My weight right now is 86,5 kg.  And I've been gaining 1-1,5 kg every week for the last 3-4 weeks. 
It's not a ultimate "bulk" . I know that. But guys, you gotta know that I know my body pretty well , I've been testing it for about 10 years , and I know exactly how to change every part of it , and how It answers to "this and that"  of course I don't say that couldn't learn more. Nobody is fully learned. But for now, and with the situation I'm in right now with work and everything, THIS  is the best way to do it..  and I know that I don't wanna go for the longer bulk season. So  right now I'm pushing my-self to keep the shape as good as possible. And also keep gaining strength all the time!  
Enough said about that.. we'll get back to that topic later on.. 
After I've worked I went home to make my good friend Sandra a nice dinner. 
She deserved to relax and of course we enjoyed a movie and some ice-cream with some berries also.
A  awesome monday evening!  
Now I'm going to the gym for my Back /triceps Workout.
I'll post the workout's here later tonight!
Have  great day guys! 
BF out... 

Sometimes you stand on a new path..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 

Now I lying here in my bed and listening to some christmas music!  I like christmas music from back in the days.. 
with singers as Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Nat king cole..  but there are good music from this time to. But the music back in the days have a certain tone.. a certain feeling, and I like it !
What's your favorite christmas music ?  Maybe you'll show me some new songs that I could put into my playlist this year! 
Yesterday was a great Saturday.. Jocke, Alex, Gab, I  Thank you guys for that!  
Now I'm gonna take a shower ,and after that I'm gonna take a walk to met up a good friend that is coming to town over a day. 
Before I take a shower I wanna thank Sandra for being a amazing friend!  She deserves all happiness in the world, and I hope this day will be a amazing day for her!  
      ( This friday she visit me and had  Snus, Cola zero and chocolate balls with her.  Amazing friend! ) 
I hope you all have a great Sunday, I know I will! :) 
BF out... 


Kategori: Life

Hi guys!  
Haven't forget to post about my workouts the last days.. here is the crossfit workout that I did Wednesday.
C&J  60 kg , 8 reps
Burpees  , 10 reps 
American KB swings 32 kg , 10 reps. 
Repeat  5 sets . 2-3 min rest between.  
Didn't clock this time,  but I will next time!  I'm gonna do this WOD 2 times, this week I'll get back with the times then! 
And thursday's workout looked something like this ... 
Back : 
Deadlift  110 kg  6 reps  x 3 sets 
Fatman pullup 30 kg (on legs, legs on bench)  Dropset,  10 reps, --> 10 kg 5 reps x 3 sets. 
Seated High Cable Row  -   75 kg  , 10 reps x 3 sets
Chins  -  22 reps, 18 reps,  15 reps. 
cable rear delt fly  - 25 kg (each arm)   dropset ,  10 reps , -->  20 kg 7 reps  x 3 sets . 
Did also do  3 bicep exercises..
Concentration curls  -  drop set,  20 kg , 10 reps -->  15 kg , 5 reps.  x 4 sets
Preacher curls ez bar  -  45 kg , 10 reps  x 3 sets. 
Cable machine curls  from side  -  30 kg (on each arm)   dropset,  12 reps --> 22,5 kg  10 reps  x 3 sets. 
It's not so great to do back and bicep in one session guys.   Why ?  Because when you workout your back and you do a lot of "pulling" , you use the bicep and the forearm a lot, so It's not so optimal to do bicep and back on the same day.  If you do...  do not do so many exercises or sets as I did..   I felt it when I've done crossfit the day before. And when I did the chin exercise.. I directly felt pressure in the forearm.. so had to stretch them a little bit between and it's not optimal guys.. so you know, this isn't my schedule.
 Felt like I needed to get ahead and pushed myself a little bit to far.. But I didn't hurt myself so that's good! :) You don't need to worry! 
Now I need to sleep, because tomorrow I'm gonna workout with my good friend Jocke , and after that we're going to eat lunch in the city before we watch Björklöven(Local hockey team, div 1 ) play.
So tomorrow's gonna be a good day!   
Though I most of all wanted to be in Gothenburg for the fitness exhibition!   Should have been so nice to meet a lot of people and just to be around people that think, breath and workout like me...   Next year .. then I'll be there!  Hope everyone that's goes to the exhibition will have a  great time!  
and to all the others , have a great weekend!

BF out and goodnight!  


Kategori: Life

Hi guys!
Yesterday I worked out Back and Bicep, a awesome workout session for me!  
Could have done one more bicep exercise, but had so much pump from the crossfit workout the day before!  But still it feels great to be on the right track now again!  September was the last time I felt this way!   So now I have my eyes on the target and I'm going to move up on the scale for each week. And keep my strength and try to keep the structure and shape..  So I don't loose that and just get filled with fluid!  The most important is to be able to sleep, and eat well!  The training will come by it self , and that's not an Issue!  
Don't have the time to write down the exercises I did yesterday. Gonna post them later today!  
Today's exercise is crossfit and I'm starting to love that more and more and maybe.. you'll see me in a competition soon!  :)  We'll see!   Today's WOD is a self made... It might be a name on the exercise.. but I've figure this one out by my self.. 
 ( From yesterday.. still missing mass on the chest area.. but working hard on that right now! ) 
For now , Have a great day guys and I hope you all have your eyes on your goal!  
BF out...

Stronger, faster, harder..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Today I'm gonna workout with a friends little brother, and hopefully give him some pointers about how he can become stronger, harder and faster with he's football skills!  So looking forward to that workout! 
Have  a great workout schedule that will make him strong as Ronaldo (Cristiano) , quick as Messi , and strong as Rooney!  But it will take time and effort, so I hope he got the motivation for it! :) 
Now I'm gonna take a shower..  It's not as fun as I thought it should be to have all this beard. Haha , but my friend Sandra had a nice point.  Real men wear up the beard!  ;)  and of course the time of year is perfect for all this hair on my face!   We'll see how everything plays out..  For the moment, I don't care about "looking" good. I really don't . And it feels great to just care about other things for a change!  
But now I need to shower, otherwise I'll "smell" on my lunchdate with a good friend.  
I hope you all enjoy the video below and I will put up some more video's from my workouts later on.. Have been a problem with the program that I'll put up the video's. Seems to work now so thats good!  
(From yesterday)
Have a great day guys!  
BF out.. 


Kategori: Life











Forward is the destination..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Yesterday I was working out first with two good friends Lina ( that I help with out with her training for the firefighter -tests) And her boyfriend Marcus, both really stubborn people, and has that ability to put the extra explosion on eachothers fire, and In training thats awesome!  They gave so much energy and I felt so great just to be around those two wonderful persons!  So thanks guys!
 After that I went home for some food and back to IKSU for  a  workout with another good friend, John.  We had finally after months of un-syncronized our workout schedules  find time to workout together!  Back was on the schedule , and I will say, sometimes It's  awesome to have someone else with you when you workout. Winners is training in pair. The can throw ideas and experience to eachother, and also push eachother when the energy is low.
After that I went home for some more food. Need to get my appetite up, because I need to gain weight and "bulk" up some more before next years competitions!  And then a great friend ( Sandra)  that has been here for me in my ruff periods that I've been having these few months..  She called me up and ask if I wanted to join her for some Tacos!   Awesome Idea!  Thanks for that Sandra!    After the Tacos we almost rolled out in the winter and went to watch a floorball match between Umeå city - Thorén group.  And it was a awesome game!  Spook to one of sandra's friends Fredrik there and we hit it off really good !  A really cool guy!  
What I wanna say about this whole story is that I'm grateful for those whose there for me when I'll need it most!  
Today I've been working out with IKSU Fitness and it was my first workout with them!  Lotta put us in groups/teams and then we compete against each-others in really funny and unusual workout "ways"   So great of you Lotta!!   My team came 2nd , but I'll lost in the last event!  But I still had a really great time and all the guys seems really cool and nice so that's good! 
When the competition was done all went home, I stayed and met two friends that was working out their chests  . So I joined in and I'm glad I did!   
I'm sorry if I'm typing wrong in so many ways. But I'm a bit stressed. 
Just wanna say ... "I love  people who can make me laugh when I don't even want to smile"  
Have a great day guys/girls and I hope you have a great weekend!  
BF out ... 


Kategori: Life


True happiness..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!

"True happiness.. comes from within.."  This sentence is so true. 
You got to love your-self , in order to love anybody else. To be the best you can be, you can't help anybody else then your-self. You can't satisfy the needs of others, just so you can be loved.  In order to be loved, you need to respect your-self. 
In order to be happy guys, we just need to stop lying to each other, be honest to our-selfs is the first step towards a happy life.  
I hope everyone finds happiness, because I believe everyone could deserve it! 
BF out .. 

You shape your own destiny!

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Right now I'm watching the weather outside and it's finally snowing here in Umeå.  The snowfling's aren't that big so it might not stick.. But still.. It's soon december and for me it need to be snow before that!  
Today I'm gonna workout with my friend and "apprentice"  Lina! 


warmup (sorry, the exercises stands in swedish and explained in internal language  and Ask if you want it translated. For the moment, I don't have the time. ) 

Gå på bandet 5 min med vikter och lutning(4-5) ca 7,0 i hastighet.

  • 3 x utfall med vikt på axlar/i handen 10 reps 
  • 3 x benpressmaskin sittande/liggande ? kg x 10 reps.
  • 3 x Liggande bencurl (Baksida lår) ? kg x 10 reps. 
  • 3 x Squat med fast skivstång (den då du har benen framför och snett utåt)utan vikt ännu 10 reps. 
  • 3 x benspark(maskin)? kg 10 reps.



So this is how her leg workout's will be in 3-4 weeks. After that,  We change it , because she will get stronger, and I want to challenge her!  

Now I'll need to put on my "oat-bag"  on my shoulder/chest.   To warmup the muscle.




Hope you all have a great day and keep being honest to YOUR-SELFS. Because if you don't trust your-selfs, who could you ever trust ?  Don't make that mistake over and over. Be the best version of your-selfs each and everyday!  




BF out . 




Motivate your-selfs!

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Now I'm on my way to IKSU, my office, my alter.. my sanctuary.. the place where I can be me.. Where I can think, breathe and just be all I can be!  
This week I'm gonna go for two crossfit workouts. Today I'm gonna workout my chest, triceps, and some legs.
My chest/shoulder is hurting this morning.  Gonna try to warm up for at least 10-20 min today so I don't injure myself!  
But i will do the pushups you guys gave me yesterday!   93 is the magic nr!  
We'll see if I'll manage to get it on video! :) 
" Be the best version of you.. "
BF out .. 

another day at the office..

Kategori: Life


Hi guys!


Went to IKSU for shoulder workout today, felt a little bit sore in the left shoulder. It's from a injury earlier this year. Always need to warm up the shoulders for a longer time to not feel a lot of pain.  And because of my injury I'll always need to concentrate on how I do the exercises and focus on getting contact with the muscles and It's hard.. I'm probably never gonna go as heavy on weight's as I want to. But hey.. I'll find a way to get stronger!  





Have eaten lunchbuffé with my mom and one of my sisters. And I'll tell you this guys... meat god dammit!  It was sooo good and I love it when I know that the body will take up all the protein and deliver it to the muscles as the supposed to do, and of course my BCAA/EAA that I have in my hand right now will help that process! :) 



Now I'm gonna go and take a shower and go to work. And it feels great to have some routines again.. even if they are not as big and demanding as before, but still it's a routine. 

I'll think I need that in my life, otherwise I'll don't now what to do with the time. 


So now I need to go, but I hope you guys are motivated and hopefully your workouts is going really great!  




This crossfit and another one is going to be in my workout schedule the next 3 weeks.  




BF out.. 




My blueprint is changing..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!
Today wasn't the ultimate workout ... again. The time wasn't my friend today, and I did prioritized other things. 
But I'm heading back there tonight for a new chance!   
I don't know if my life's changing or if my blueprint of what life "should be"  have changed. But I feel that my focus i changing and I'm starting to get the motivation back. That's a good thing.. but i still have a long way to go!  
I'm gonna make it!  I deserve it, and I will get it!  For me... for no one else!  
"You only live once guys... it's no nintendo game "   <-- So take the chance, otherwise you'll always regret it and become bitter! 
Have a great day and now I'm gonna go and sell some nintendo games at my new job!  :)  
BF out .. 

Some people give..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 

Some people give everyday.. some not as often, and some not at all!    Try at least to be the best person/human you can be! And if you have people around you that is just sucking the soul and energy out of you. Cut them off.. you don't deserve or need those things in your life!  
Today I've worked out my chest and triceps!  
Got my appetite back and trying to eat as much as I possible can to not loose any more weight. (Have lost about 3 kg's these last 3 days.. )  
The eating is a very important part when you workout a lot ..  you need to eat at least 4-6 meals per day! (depending on diet and what you're eating)
Now I'm gonna try to fix the last of Lina's workout schedule and after that I'm gonna watch a movie with a friend. 
Hope you all have a great evening and that your training is going well!  
BF out... 

Some of Yesterday's pictures..

Kategori: Life


Hi guys!


having a really bad day and right now I'm gonna turn off the phone and just walk until my legs don't manage to walk anymore.. 

Here is some of the picture's from yesterday's training.. didn't go so well.. didn't feel to well.. maybe the concussion.. maybe everything else.  Don't know.. 

Have a great evening and hope you all having a better time in your life's!  




Have you ever felt so alone and nothing makes sense?  Well that's how I feel right now...I feel like I'm facing everything myself, with nothing but tears and a fake smile..."



BF out..


Me - time..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Didn't take any pictures from yesterdays workout.. My phone have taken a lot of damage and then I need to protect it. 
But hopefully this evening I'm gonna have a friend with me and then we'll take some pictures!  
But yesterday I'll trained some high intense weight lifting.. quite similar to crossfit
C & J  -  5 x 60 kg 
10  shoulder/chest lift    20 kg weight. 
10 burpees 
10 box jumps. 
2 times. 
After that . 
Snatch  6 x 50 kg 
10 burpees 
10 Box jumps
2 times  
Front barbell Squat  10 x 65 kg
10 burpees
6 box jumps .  
2 times. 
Barbell Lunge 8 x 55 kg 
8 burpees 
6 box jumps 
Tried to have as short rest between and it didn't work out , because i had to help others with their  exercise.. 
The thing is guys, when you do this kind of exercises, you don't do them as you usually do.. 
for example, in a squat , you don't rest in the top!  You always have contact with the weights and never go to rest mode!  And I'll promise you guys, you'll start to sweating! 
Gonna use this exercise on my "apprentice"  Lina this week!  And I know she's gonna love it !  ;) 
Now I need to pack my bag and get my ass to watch a good friend play a floorball game!  
After that I'm gonna workout at IKSU!
have a great sunday guys! 
BF out..

Life goes on..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Today I'm not feeling that well ... a small hangover, and a small concussion... thoughts is all over the place..
A suggestion.. don't bike when your drunk, and it's slippery outside!  
I have a hard time to motivate my-self to get on with my life...  It's hard when you let someone come in to your life and affect you in ways you didn't know was possible.. and then for a brief second you have created something called hope.. hope grows into believe... and then... all is torn down in a blink of the eye!
" I've met thousands of people in my days...  none of them have affected me in anyway.. 
then I'll meet ONE person...  and suddenly.. my life has changed!  " 
Todays training is crossfit! it's starting to grow on me,  And I'll also watch IKSU's ladies play some floorball!
I'm not sure which WOD I'm gonna use today.. but I know that I'll need to be exhausted afterwards!! 
I'll post some pictures and info about the workout later on!  
Hope you all have great saturday!  
BF out.. 

Everything i do...

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!
Having a tough time in my life right now and trying to handle everything that is going on.. It's hard, especially when the body/soul/heart in the same time is taking damage... 
I'm gonna keep continue my training and hopefully I can get my motivation back to motivate others ... for the moment I have a hard time to trust people, laugh, to just be around everyone, and especially to have... hope on anything. 
I know it's hard to understand for you when I don't tell the whole story... sry for that,  and Sry for my self-pity.
One day, maybe I'll explain it all to you guys..
It's times like these the real friends step forward. So grateful to have those in my life! 
I want you guys to start look at your-selfs and if it's possible, plz see your-self's from other people's perspective, and try to make tomorrow the day when you make your-selfs better. Keep improve yourselves as long as possible. 
I'm not perfect. And "God" and many people know this. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying to improve my-self everyday.. To at least try to be a better human being!  I think that everyone needs to do that.. 
I'll think my problem is that I'll need a new blueprint of my life, and also some changes may be needed in some areas.. 
Now I'm going to bed and of course, I can't sleep much these days.. so I'm gonna watch a movie to get away from this world for a little while.  Hope you all have had a great evening and I'm sorry if I don't sound trustworthy  when I'll say this..  But believe in your-selfs and don't just hope for a better tomorrow, fight for it! 
BF out.. 

the story..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Today I've worked out with Lina again, and she's a great workout buddy!  Like the way we can push each other and she has a winners mind and when you're training with someone like that, you can see this... It just comes back to them and soon she's gonna be all driven by her own inspiration and I hope she's gonna make the Tests for Firefighter!  
Now I'm lying here in the bed and think I'm gonna go to sleep, because my mind is to overloaded with thinking and I don't like it .. not in this moment... no.. so .. 
gooodnight guys!