Kategori: Life

Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
warmup (sorry, the exercises stands in swedish and explained in internal language and Ask if you want it translated. For the moment, I don't have the time. )
Gå på bandet 5 min med vikter och lutning(4-5) ca 7,0 i hastighet.
So this is how her leg workout's will be in 3-4 weeks. After that, We change it , because she will get stronger, and I want to challenge her!
Now I'll need to put on my "oat-bag" on my shoulder/chest. To warmup the muscle.
Hope you all have a great day and keep being honest to YOUR-SELFS. Because if you don't trust your-selfs, who could you ever trust ? Don't make that mistake over and over. Be the best version of your-selfs each and everyday!
BF out .
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
Went to IKSU for shoulder workout today, felt a little bit sore in the left shoulder. It's from a injury earlier this year. Always need to warm up the shoulders for a longer time to not feel a lot of pain. And because of my injury I'll always need to concentrate on how I do the exercises and focus on getting contact with the muscles and It's hard.. I'm probably never gonna go as heavy on weight's as I want to. But hey.. I'll find a way to get stronger!
Have eaten lunchbuffé with my mom and one of my sisters. And I'll tell you this guys... meat god dammit! It was sooo good and I love it when I know that the body will take up all the protein and deliver it to the muscles as the supposed to do, and of course my BCAA/EAA that I have in my hand right now will help that process! :)
Now I'm gonna go and take a shower and go to work. And it feels great to have some routines again.. even if they are not as big and demanding as before, but still it's a routine.
I'll think I need that in my life, otherwise I'll don't now what to do with the time.
So now I need to go, but I hope you guys are motivated and hopefully your workouts is going really great!
This crossfit and another one is going to be in my workout schedule the next 3 weeks.
BF out..
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
having a really bad day and right now I'm gonna turn off the phone and just walk until my legs don't manage to walk anymore..
Here is some of the picture's from yesterday's training.. didn't go so well.. didn't feel to well.. maybe the concussion.. maybe everything else. Don't know..
Have a great evening and hope you all having a better time in your life's!
" Have you ever felt so alone and nothing makes sense? Well that's how I feel right now...I feel like I'm facing everything myself, with nothing but tears and a fake smile..."
BF out..
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life