Fitness with Bouba

Follow me on my journey to become the best fitness athlete possible!

Motivate your-selfs!

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Now I'm on my way to IKSU, my office, my alter.. my sanctuary.. the place where I can be me.. Where I can think, breathe and just be all I can be!  
This week I'm gonna go for two crossfit workouts. Today I'm gonna workout my chest, triceps, and some legs.
My chest/shoulder is hurting this morning.  Gonna try to warm up for at least 10-20 min today so I don't injure myself!  
But i will do the pushups you guys gave me yesterday!   93 is the magic nr!  
We'll see if I'll manage to get it on video! :) 
" Be the best version of you.. "
BF out .. 

another day at the office..

Kategori: Life


Hi guys!


Went to IKSU for shoulder workout today, felt a little bit sore in the left shoulder. It's from a injury earlier this year. Always need to warm up the shoulders for a longer time to not feel a lot of pain.  And because of my injury I'll always need to concentrate on how I do the exercises and focus on getting contact with the muscles and It's hard.. I'm probably never gonna go as heavy on weight's as I want to. But hey.. I'll find a way to get stronger!  





Have eaten lunchbuffé with my mom and one of my sisters. And I'll tell you this guys... meat god dammit!  It was sooo good and I love it when I know that the body will take up all the protein and deliver it to the muscles as the supposed to do, and of course my BCAA/EAA that I have in my hand right now will help that process! :) 



Now I'm gonna go and take a shower and go to work. And it feels great to have some routines again.. even if they are not as big and demanding as before, but still it's a routine. 

I'll think I need that in my life, otherwise I'll don't now what to do with the time. 


So now I need to go, but I hope you guys are motivated and hopefully your workouts is going really great!  




This crossfit and another one is going to be in my workout schedule the next 3 weeks.  




BF out.. 




Some people give..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 

Some people give everyday.. some not as often, and some not at all!    Try at least to be the best person/human you can be! And if you have people around you that is just sucking the soul and energy out of you. Cut them off.. you don't deserve or need those things in your life!  
Today I've worked out my chest and triceps!  
Got my appetite back and trying to eat as much as I possible can to not loose any more weight. (Have lost about 3 kg's these last 3 days.. )  
The eating is a very important part when you workout a lot ..  you need to eat at least 4-6 meals per day! (depending on diet and what you're eating)
Now I'm gonna try to fix the last of Lina's workout schedule and after that I'm gonna watch a movie with a friend. 
Hope you all have a great evening and that your training is going well!  
BF out... 

Some of Yesterday's pictures..

Kategori: Life


Hi guys!


having a really bad day and right now I'm gonna turn off the phone and just walk until my legs don't manage to walk anymore.. 

Here is some of the picture's from yesterday's training.. didn't go so well.. didn't feel to well.. maybe the concussion.. maybe everything else.  Don't know.. 

Have a great evening and hope you all having a better time in your life's!  




Have you ever felt so alone and nothing makes sense?  Well that's how I feel right now...I feel like I'm facing everything myself, with nothing but tears and a fake smile..."



BF out..


Me - time..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Didn't take any pictures from yesterdays workout.. My phone have taken a lot of damage and then I need to protect it. 
But hopefully this evening I'm gonna have a friend with me and then we'll take some pictures!  
But yesterday I'll trained some high intense weight lifting.. quite similar to crossfit
C & J  -  5 x 60 kg 
10  shoulder/chest lift    20 kg weight. 
10 burpees 
10 box jumps. 
2 times. 
After that . 
Snatch  6 x 50 kg 
10 burpees 
10 Box jumps
2 times  
Front barbell Squat  10 x 65 kg
10 burpees
6 box jumps .  
2 times. 
Barbell Lunge 8 x 55 kg 
8 burpees 
6 box jumps 
Tried to have as short rest between and it didn't work out , because i had to help others with their  exercise.. 
The thing is guys, when you do this kind of exercises, you don't do them as you usually do.. 
for example, in a squat , you don't rest in the top!  You always have contact with the weights and never go to rest mode!  And I'll promise you guys, you'll start to sweating! 
Gonna use this exercise on my "apprentice"  Lina this week!  And I know she's gonna love it !  ;) 
Now I need to pack my bag and get my ass to watch a good friend play a floorball game!  
After that I'm gonna workout at IKSU!
have a great sunday guys! 
BF out..

Morning workout with Fitness pro..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!

Today i woke up a little bit late and felt really tired.  Yesterday a few friends came over to my place and we played "Alias" really late.. But my team won, so it were sooo worth it!! :) 
Today was the day when I'll started up my training again.. after a few days away with fever and a bad throat I now feel really good! :) 
Of course I came late to the workout when I was supposed to be there 8:00 , and i were there 08:20.. Didn't miss to much of the workout! 
The fun part is that I trained with a fitness-girl (women , whatever)  that is really good in Athletic Fitness and she represent IKSU fitness.  Anna-Lotta Norberg is her name (google it )   And she had a new workout schedule from her coach/mentor. And we followed it and I can only say that damn!!  I love to push my body to the edge!  And to test new things.. love it !
 I want to have as high skill as possible in the gym , and for me that's really important. Because I'm gonna go the personal training education real soon and when I'll start working as a personal trainer, I'll need to have that high skill of everything going on with fitness/crossfit / gym/cardio..  
Because I wanna be that kind of PT  that people look up to. 
After the workout, me and Anna-Lotta went to a friend of her (Andreas) , where we ate a big breakfast and it where awesome to eat breakfast and talk about fitness and workout!  :) 
After that I had a workout with "Piff" .  It where more boxing and punching a bag and in different ways , some high intense , some with more power.. No technique today.. just to let the arms and the heart work! :) 
Liked that workout to.. of course, I'm no pro in boxing. But I like it.. to get out my energy on a bag and to just learn how to use my body and the whole strength of my body to hit as hard as possible.. and to be so exhausted.. that you just wanna lie down and "die"  :) 
Now I'm just going to take a PW in the fresh air, and after that we'll see what happens! :) 
Have a great weekend guys! 

Search for sponsor..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!
Sitting here in my small sofa and trying to watch a movie with some friends. 
Felt like a should post something today also. 
My plan the next month is to search for sponsor/sponsors for the coming year 2013. Where I'm gonna try to compete as much as possible!  For that I could need some sponsors and If you guys know anyone that would be able to help me or for that matter is interested to contact med for some sponsoring. I'm always grateful for anything guys!  
Because now when I'm coming back from this cold.. I'm gonna start my hard training for the top of Athletic Fitness!  
Need to get back to the movie now. Take care guys and have a great evening! 

I choose life

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Today I woke up , feeling a little sore in the throat.. after some breakfast and some coffee it felt better. 
After that I got a spontaneous text from a good friend of mine, that wanted to take a power walk and just catch up. 
Was a great PW, and felt great to be able to pause my life a little and just enjoy some good company and hear about how their life is!  
Remember that guys.. you need to pause your busy life sometimes.. just to enjoy peoples company or maybe enjoy life! 
Also yesterday I've got some pointers from Ako Rahim himself and it felt great to just talk about fitness with the king himself!  A great source of inspiration for me!  A great guy, fitness athlete and best Role-model!  
So go in to this site and vote for him as the Role-model of the year!! 
Today I'm gonna workout  leg(mostly hamstring) 
Clean (Squat clean)  4 set x 8 reps
Good mornings   4 set x 8 reps
Lying leg curls  4 set x 8 reps
Seated leg curls  4 set x 8 reps
This is what i know now.. Maybe put in something more when I'm at the gym .. :)  
Have a great day everyone and hope your training is going well! 

Should have been one of my best days...

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Today I'm not so motivated and inspiring.
Just saying' so you guys now if I sound bitter. 
Yesterday should have been a great day!  
But it were intermediate in that scale.. 
I'm gonna try to focus on the positive things that happened.. 
I had lunch with a friend at Max, I met one of my biggest role-models, and I met good friends over a beer, but best of all was to be at IKSU, do my second workout.. and to be in the same gym as Ako Rahim, (role-model) , and to just get inspired by his drive!  I'm gonna... and this is a promise guys!   
I'm gonna be in the elite of Athletic Fitness next year!!  
(AR is Ako's design)  (This T-shirt has the design to fit me... love it)  
Now I'm gonna make my-self a big breakfast, put on music on highest volume and after that , I'm gonna go to IKSU for my first workout for the day!  
Hope you all guys have a great day.

Open your-self for new opportunities..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Today is Friday.. 
Today is time for me, and all of you guys to get out there and be open for those opportunities/challenges  that comes our way! 
I was supposed to do cardio this morning, but all kind of things came in the way.. 
Instead, I'm gonna do a crossfit workout!  I think that we all need to be open for new things. And I never thought that I would say this..  I like crossfit. 
It's intense, painful, and most of all!  You always challenge your-self for each time you work out!  
So it's gonna be me, the weights, and a damn good morning against the clock on my iphone today!  
And also guys.. today is the day Ako Rahim is coming back to Umeå. He's  a great source of inspiration and a role model for me in the fitness world!  So get your ass to the OneMoreRep store and meet him and get inspired! 
Have great one!  

Create your own destiny

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!

Gaaah, haven't slept for many hours this night.. So it's hard to go to up from the bed and go to the gym.. 
Morning cardio is on the schedule!  Some high intense rowing, and after that I'm gonna swim a little bit!  
Let's go... nothing to fear...  just success and the end of the rainbow for me to enjoy!! 
Have a great one! 

Back on track!

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!

Now I'm back on track!  Have been soo busy with working and using my time for me and things I value very much.. 
Like the headline say... I'm back!  
I still have a few things needing my attention more then others. And I'm really sorry if some of you guys get prioritie away for the moment. It's not because of you, It's me that need this moment in my life to be like this!  
Enough said about that! 
When I was away I eat really shitty food and didn't have time and energy to workout so much. But now I have a lot of energy and time!  So gonna step it up again to 2 workouts every day!  Gonna start with cardiotraining again. The thing is, when I put in cardio in my training schedule I tend to loose weight, So need to keep eating a lot of food and stay clean in that area so I will have no problems with the next Photo session! :)  
Now I need to take my new PWO (Steel)  It's awesome!!  :)  Love the taste, the tickle , the energy-boost, and mostly the pump I'll get out from it!  So try it!   
You can buy it from our Local store One More Rep here in  Umeå..   see the links on your right!  
Today I'm gonna workout chest, back, abs , and some leg..  A really strange combo for me. But need to focusing on getting hard on each part.. and the problem is that when I came back I started mixing the muscle groups so I'm off schedule.. thursday I will be back on track! 
Hope you guys keep up your training and hope your motivated to take the training to the next level ?? :) 
One of my greatest inspirations (Greg Plitt) 
Have a great day! 

Live now..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Sometimes we need to do what may be the toughest and hardest right now, so we may secure the future and to grant our way there. We need to look over our situations we're in and see what may cause us to not get there.. 
I need to go for a run and some rehab-training now... 
Hope you all have a great day! 

Six degrees of separation..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Today has been a really cold day here in Umeå!  Brrr.. I can accept the winter, but the fall and the wind/reign is not a favorite of mine.. 
Just wanna take a last minute travel to a warmer country, just looked up a few destinations...  damn you wallet, that for the moment isn't that deep and well filled up! 
Otherwise I have been for a bicep/triceps workout today... tried to workout these muscles in a certain way..  my problem is that I have a injury in the chest and shoulder area and it's hard to do exercises that doesn't hurt and take damage on the chest/shoulder!  But i did it and it feels better now! 
After that I've seen a half of Germany - Sweden (football/soccer)   It sucks that the manager of Sweden has taken out the worst start team ever.. 3 - 0 in first half... really bad. 
So I'll take a PW to get some fresh air.. instead of watching the second half.... 
Hope you all have a great evening guys! 

Rest is earned.. but not a choice!

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!

About you're "test"  How did it go?  I have a few friends that told me about there fears and what they faced yesterday!  :) real fun to hear about it!  
My "fear"  was to try something new in training. I went swimming... I've always liked swimming when i was younger. But now i haven't had swimming on the plate because i felt like "it's for old people"  I know swimmers are really well trained athletes.. still my prejudices mind played tricks with me ! ;P   I know that to try new things is often scary and most of the time it's hard to  get out off your comfort zone.  I think it's like will power..  The more you workout that muscle , the stronger it gets !  So keep on facing your "fears" guys! :) 
Now I've eaten a lot of protein, meat , keso, and eggs.. Still hurts in my chest and that's not good at all...
Going to iksu to run some and maybe swim some more.. after that I need to go down to the city.. been a while since I've been there.. 
I hope you guys have a great day and hopefully your training is going really great!  

Life gave me a booty call...

Kategori: Life

Hi guys! 
Yesterday I went to the gym for a shoulder/upper back workout. But felt a little bit sore in the Pectoralis Major (at the muscle attachment)  I warmed up properly and did the workout. But soon after I felt sooo sore in the muscle attachment and in the evening it were worse.  So this morning I've taken a painkiller and hopefully it's a small inflammation and nothing more. 
You need to be careful when you workout a lot guys. Most common for this to happen is when your dieting or when your  move up in weights to fast, or like in my case.. the rest between the muscle groups.
Gonna order some products that counteract the ligaments wear.. so hopefully they help me a little bit. But for now I'm gonna rest this muscle group and hopefully in a few days I'm able to keep up my training! 
I've also got bigger legs! 
Today's workout is leg! 
I'm gonna workout with a friend and I'm glad that we finally got time to workout/met and that I finally have time to give her some help with her workout!  So it's gonna be a great day despite the pain i feel in the chest..
(just got a lot of energy, from life) =) 
Here is a tip of what you guys can do for dinner !  
I don't measure everything.. 
the only thing I measured was this two Ingredients.... 10 eggs and 4 dl protein powder... :)
Have a great sunday guys!! 

Motivate your-self through adversity..

Kategori: Life

Hi guys!



Today I've been sleeping longer than usual. Felt great to not set an alarm and let the body decide how much sleep it needed! 

Today I'm gonna workout the chest and also do some cardio (Rowing or hill running) . 


Chest workout look like this :

  • Incline Dumbbell Flyes  - 4 x 10  (25 kg)
  • Incline Barbell Bench Press 4 x 8 ( 100 kg ) 
  • Cable Crossovers     6 x 10 ( 30kg) ( 2 on each level) 
  •  Bench Press            4 x 8 ( 90 kg ) 
  • Machine incline Bench Press  4 x 8 (40 kg ) 
  • Flat/incline  Bench Dumbbell Press 4 x 8 (27,5kg) 
That's about it.. maybe putting in some more as a go. I like to see how much the body response to my training and while I workout I also see and feel how much I can push my body and maybe I'll manage to do some more then I wrote above. But hey, this is not written in stone. I push my-self every day so If i feel sore then I'll stop before... If not.. I push my-self to the far edge of pain!  
The thing is guys. 
You gotta believe in your-self at all time. Set your goal in life and find a way to get there!  
My goal was to shape my body from left to right.... DONE !  Didn't take me more then a few months of hard work!  But it's not just the body that changed!  The mind changed on the road to!  Everything in life is easier, you smile more often, you feel healthier!  
So keep up the training and it's not necessary to make it to be a obsession!  But think about your-self and your enviroment and what makes your-self feel good!  
Sometimes you're in a state of mind that makes everything impossible.  That's okey guys... but never postpone things to long.... It's not good for your-self or people around you!  If it's hard to do by your-self, get some help.. it's never wrong to call for help!  



Just wanna wish Ako and Rookie (and the whole swedish team)  good luck in Madrid

Let's hit the gym guys!

Have a great day and hope u all start setting your goals and just send me a /mail/comment if you need any help!  




Today's workout..

Kategori: Workout


From today's workout.. 














Have a great evening guys!  



Night workout!

Kategori: Workout

Hi guys!

Tonight I've been working out later then usual..
Had to work overtime, and after that.. I was supposed to workout, but had places to go, people to met! But hey.. It was sooo worth it! :) and then I saw IBK dalen play floorball..unfortunately they lost the game! Maybe next game they win!  Hope so!  

And then it was time for the bicep-hour! Yeaah Buddy! :)
Best feeling when you have the pump in the bicep!
I'm not gonna be as excited as Arnold where.. But almost ;)

After the workout It was time to bike home.. In the rain.. Oh my god guys.. It rained like in the movie .. "the perfect storm".. Craazy!

Now I have eaten some kesella With funlight(strawberry) and some digestive and a proteinshake (double chocolate flavor) nammi nammi! :)

Now I'm going to bed!
Hope you all have good night sleep and looking forward to tomorrows workout/cardio?

