Back on track!
Kategori: Life
Now I'm back on track! Have been soo busy with working and using my time for me and things I value very much..
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
Sometimes your hungry and lazy at the same time! Remember , try to eat as clean as possible! And give your self a treat sometimes! But as always say to my friends.. Deserve that threat! :)
Today i treated my-self with this !
(90 g x 4 , and 4 eggs to that!) Nammy Nammy! :) )
Kategori: Life
Hi guys!
Today I've been sleeping longer than usual. Felt great to not set an alarm and let the body decide how much sleep it needed!
Today I'm gonna workout the chest and also do some cardio (Rowing or hill running) .
Chest workout look like this :
Just wanna wish Ako and Rookie (and the whole swedish team) good luck in Madrid!
Let's hit the gym guys!
Have a great day and hope u all start setting your goals and just send me a /mail/comment if you need any help!
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Workout
From today's workout..
Have a great evening guys!
Kategori: Video
Me and my sis(the world champion in wrestling 72kg) is working out at IKSU (Umeå,Sweden)
Today me, my mom and my sister went to IKSU for a workout. We trained the entire body , most because my sister is going to operate her shoulder and wanted to workout the entire body because she need the rest for a while after this operation.
When we came home, mom did some egg, meat and sallad for us. I also took my proteinshake so I got alot of protein intake after this workout!
Hope you all have a great day!
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Workout
Hi guys!
Tonight I've been working out later then usual..
Had to work overtime, and after that.. I was supposed to workout, but had places to go, people to met! But hey.. It was sooo worth it! :) and then I saw IBK dalen play floorball..unfortunately they lost the game! Maybe next game they win! Hope so!
And then it was time for the bicep-hour! Yeaah Buddy! :)
Best feeling when you have the pump in the bicep!
I'm not gonna be as excited as Arnold where.. But almost ;)
After the workout It was time to bike home.. In the rain.. Oh my god guys.. It rained like in the movie .. "the perfect storm".. Craazy!
Now I have eaten some kesella With funlight(strawberry) and some digestive and a proteinshake (double chocolate flavor) nammi nammi! :)
Now I'm going to bed!
Hope you all have good night sleep and looking forward to tomorrows workout/cardio?
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
Alternating deltoid raise 4 x 10 (12 kg)
Back flyes with bands 4 x 10 (don't remember , think it was 25 kg)
Bent over dumbbell rear delta raise 4 x 10 (12 kg )
Military presses behind head (standing) 4 x 10 (60kg )
sitting dumbbell shoulder presses 4 x 12 (27,5 kg, usually have 30 here.. )
shoulder circles/lift with dumbbells 4 x 15-20st ( 37,5 kg)
The chest workout wasn't the usual so not gonna post that here for the moment! :P
Try it , but I try to try new things so I don't get bored. But do I find a great exercise , I'm gonna do it for a while! :)
Now I'm gonna eat something and then It's movie time.. tomorrow I'm gonna go out and run high intense in the hills when I'm waiting for the washing machine to be done! :)
Hope you guys have a great evening and hope your training is going great!
Kategori: Life
Kategori: Life
No obstacle is to big for me to at least try to get over it!